Posted by Yippee on 10/06/05 19:30
Keep your fans informed by starting your own newsletter at Artistopia
http://www.artistopia.com. With the Artistopia Newsletter Editor You
can create a customized Newsletter to keep your fans abreast of the
current news on your music, cds, events, tours and happenings.
Serious about your online web presence? Artistopia invites music
artists, musicians, singers and songwriters across the world to come
and display their talent and professionally manage their music careers.
Launched with the undeterred focus of building an independent music
community that "also" attracts industry professionals, Artistopia
is quickly becoming the one-stop shop for artists and professionals to
meet under one roof and speak one language - potential success.
Artistopia takes pride in pioneering the next revolution in the music
industry: how independent artists and musicians are discovered. Come
and be a part of this growing community of talented people today.
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