Posted by VP2EZ on 10/25/05 01:45
On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 20:46:05 -0700, "Jon Danniken"
<jonREMOVETHISdanniken@yahoo.com> wrote:
>I have a question about mp3 format (digital) music. If an mp3 was
>originally created with levels that are to high, and clipping, can this be
>"fixed" by reducing the levels in audio processing software, or is it like
>analog music where one "clipped" rendering can never be fixed?
>I realize that one could reduce the levels, but would it have the effect of
>"fixing" the clipping, or would it just reduce the volume with the "clipping
>sound" still present?
>Thanks for any insight into this,
"Clipping" ain't like an over-enthusiastic haircut - which will grow
"Clipping" is more akin to castration - there's no going back !
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