Reply to Re: Is this legal?

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Posted by Loco Jones on 11/15/38 11:30

"Danna Parson" <> wrote in message
> A recent trip to a flea market brought something to my attention
> I hadn't considered before. There was a woman selling store
> bought CDs. Getting into a conversation she told me she would
> buy new CDs and copy them to her PC, then burn them onto CDs
> for herself, her family and her friends. She would then sell the store
> bought CDs (not the copies) to make some of her money back.
> Is this legal? I asked her, but she didn't know either. Thanks.

It appears the waters are very muddy on this issue.
(same as: )
Wear your hip-waders.

Once the RIAA is successful in branding ALL digital copies *out of their
control* as illegal, expect them to once again try and curtail the
secondary-sale market. Garth Brooks tried it once, refusing to allow his
catalogue (i.e. new copies) to be carried in any store that sold "second
hand/used" CDs, and was deservedly shot down. Don't think for a moment they
won't attempt to so again, if the courts support their contention that fans
sharing music will be a) the death of so-called "intellectual property"
industries, and b) of grave concern on par with terrorist activities which
threaten national security.

If you want to know where all this is going, look no further than
RIAA-sanctioned digital downloads (iTunes et al) - wherein you have no
rights to re-sell (a.k.a. first sale doctrine) that which you have legally
purchased. "All your music are belong to us."

Would you buy a car if you were told where and when you could drive it,
whether or not you could "share the ride with passengers", use parts of
that vehicle to build another car, or sell it when you no longer
wanted/needed it? Probably not - but then, the auto industry doesn't treat
its customers as criminals, whether they are or not.

When it's all said and done, the "entertainment industry" will be the
architect of its own doom.

- Loco -
(Now Playing: Dirty Water - The Standells)

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