Posted by NRen2k5 on 11/10/05 13:31
ANIM8Rfsk wrote:
> in article uce-8A419B.00412909112005@comcast.dca.giganews.com, Gregory
> Weston at uce@splook.com wrote on 11/8/05 10:41 PM:
>>In article <WEccf.62833$5u4.674593@wagner.videotron.net>,
>>NRen2k5 <napsterneorenegade@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>According to what I've seen, the videos from iTMS (.m4v format) are DRM
>>>>wrapped, so they can only be played on 5 computers and on iPods. DVD
>>>>burning is not permitted.
>>>If the videos have to match the I-Pod's screen resolution perfectly,
>>>then they're only 320×240 anyway. That won't look so great on a TV set.
>>They will (or at least should) look slightly better than typical
>>home-recorded VHS. Not leaps-and-bounds, but noticeable to the naked eye.
> 320x240? I doubt that's gonna look better than VHS.
Interesting question.
Long story short: I-Tunes video is 320x240, VHS is roughly 240x480. So
I-Tunes has a slightly higher horizontal resolution than VHS but a much
lower vertical resolution. Theoretically, VHS is better.
However, VHS is analogue and thus is susceptible to noise and
degradation. I-Tunes Video, like any other digital format, ought to be
more "clean".
- NRen2k5
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