Posted by NRen2k5 on 11/29/05 23:41
david wrote:
> Good ideas, thanks. However, as I am intending to distribute to "the
> masses", mp3's are currently the only workable solution. As for
> choices of bitrates, my current plan is to only offer high bitrate
> mp3's and if people want the low-res versions I will do that on
> request, though I'd really rather just send them a copy of lame and let
> them have at it. Also, my intent is to spend my time and $ on making
> more music available.
> What if I want to encode painfully? :-)
> Take care,
> david
Well, high bitrates are not at all what "the masses" want. If you're
going to sell to "the masses", then I'm telling you right away that
128kbps is the bitrate you want.
- NRen2k5
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