Posted by Paul Sture on 11/16/41 11:36
NRen2k5 wrote:
> Paul Sture wrote:
>> What part of the following don't you understand?
>> "I own a car but during the winter months I live without one because
>> the trains get through when a car cannot."
>> or, to reverse the seasons:
>> "I own a car but during the summer months I live without one because I
>> walk or use a bicycle".
>> Or even:
>> "I own a car in Switzerland, but in Pairs I live without one because
>> parking is so difficult."
>> ?
> I understand every one of them, and only the last one is actually
> correct. In all the rest you are not "living without one" because it's
> still right there in your driveway and presumably is still being used
> albeit less.
Not necessarily. I could hand my licence plates in and thus save on road
tax and insurance for periods off the road. Obviously both 1 & 2
together would be silly.
> Let's get back on topic, please.
Ah well, good fun for one evening, and congratulations on listening to
the criticisms. :-)
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