Posted by Rob Weekhout on 01/08/06 13:10
Technobarbarian schreef:
> "dadiOH" <dadiOH@wherever.com> wrote in message
> news:kpQvf.325$sa4.188@trnddc07...
>>Rob Weekhout wrote:
>>>Let us know what your opinion is about M.M !!!
>>Since you asked...
>>When it was SongsDB it just flat out didn't work. Not reliably. Does
>>it now? It is better but I figure that if someone releases a flaky
>>program they simply don't care and I'm not interested in future
>>It was also huge. Still is. "Huge" = five or more times the size of
>>other similar and better programs.
>>It also created a huge database - the equivalent of almost eight ID3V1
>>tags for each and every song. Still does.
>>It was very slow scanning for MP3s.
>>My overall opinion is that there are many far better programs around.
> Ok, I looked at MP3Rat and wasn't impressed enough to actually download
> the thing. I gotta agree with Rob, Media Monkey is the best that I've seen.
> I don't care about scanning speed, I can still use it while it's scanning
> and only the new stuff is affected by the speed of the scan. Huge database?
> Yawn, I've got over a terrabyte of storage, a few bytes here or there is no
> big deal any more. The current version works and works well. It has for at
> least a couple years now that I'm aware of. I don't use all the features,
> there are certainly better tagging programs around; but, as far as keeping
> track of a lot of MP3s easily it's excellent. So what are these many other
> far better programs?
> TB
I looked at MP3Rat too.
This is nothing more than Windows Explorer in Color.......and OLD !!!!
In M.M. you can easily see the name of the artists nicely under each
other with their albums.
Or v.v. : You can se all the different albums.
Or you can see all your titles nicely catagorized alphanumeric
Or you can choose the diferent catagories (Rock, Classic R&B etc)
Or.......... you name it.
Give it a try !
And most important : take your time to LEARN the program for its hidden
When you are used to it you don't want anything else (at the moment)
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