Posted by Phillip Kyle on 09/06/05 15:39
Paul Rooney <paulrooney@aol.com> verbally sodomised in
> On Sun, 4 Sep 2005 14:56:58 +0000 (UTC), Phillip Kyle
> <philkylenospam2003@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>Paul Rooney <paulrooney@aol.com> verbally sodomised in
>>> On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 13:14:42 GMT, Andy Turner
>>> <andyt@nospam.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>On Sat, 3 Sep 2005 16:36:40 +0000 (UTC), Phillip Kyle
>>>><philkylenospam2003@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>Andy Turner <andyt@nospam.demon.co.uk> verbally sodomised in
>>>>>> On Fri, 2 Sep 2005 20:53:53 +0000 (UTC), Phillip Kyle
>>>>>> <philkylenospam2003@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>Andy Turner <andyt@nospam.demon.co.uk> verbally sodomised in
>>>>>>>> On Fri, 02 Sep 2005 10:32:45 -0700, Zach's British Liposuction &
>>>>>>>> Breast Enhancements <honey@im.home> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Hubert Maynard yammered:
>>>>>>>>>>"Alex Buell" <alex.buell@munted.org.uk> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. I was responding to Hubert, not you.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. This is crossposted to two groups, not >5. There is a big
>>>>>>>>>>>> difference.
>>>>>>>>>>> Yes but he does post to >5 newsgroups sometimes. And you'll
>>>>>>>>>>> have noticed by now this thread has now been hijacked.
>>>>>>>>>>Since uk.misc is a mere shadow of its former existence, I no
>>>>>>>>>>longer harbour any guilt about feeding the Trolls - which I do
>>>>>>>>>>purely for my own amusemnt and no other.
>>>>>>>>>Oh fuck you, you fucking PKB Sack O Shit. Go do a fucking Google
>>>>>>>>>about how many times you brag about your torlling skills.
>>>>>>>>>Fucking britshit...if their mouth is moving they're lying.
>>>>>>>> Hmm... uk.misc still going strong then I see....
>>>>>>>And you're still a twat.
>>>>>> LOL! And the standard of uk.misc riposte still pretty much the same
>>>>>> too..
>>>>>Who said I was posting from uk.misc?
>>>>Oh, the pointless bitterness and the sweary way in which it manifests
>>>>itself is just *so* uk.misc.
>>>>That and your "you're still", implies that you believe you know me.
>>>>That rules out most of the groups this thread is posted to. If you're
>>>>not in uk.misc, you're doing a damn good impression of it!! They'd
>>>>welcome you over there, I'm sure!
>>> *Please* do not post to demon.local with your name signed in lower
>>> case. It's our only rule. Observe it and you'll be OK. Break it, and
>>> let's just say you have been warmed.
>>So about this Follett email...
> It's been removed from my computer, I suspect by someone acting for or
> on behalf of Barker, or even by Barker himself, possibly with the help
> of his special forces friends.
> Fortunately I have a backup.
> Basically it says,
> Dear Paul, good luck with your clean up campaign and FAQ, and I really
> don't mind you quoting me in your sig. It's high time someone stood up
> to the vermin who have plagued demon.local for too long.
> (this is from memory, you understand).
Oh right, so it wasn't recently, before his cowardly about-turn.
Phil Kyle
"Be very aware that my willingness
to continue to criticise your sig
is infinite." -- Neil Barker
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