Posted by Gunther Gloop on 09/13/05 13:52
Andy F Batter wrote:
> "Gunther Gloop" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message
>> eg. they were getting 17% of 80p. Now they're getting 17% of 1.
> Ok, but of that extra 20p, the government is making just 2.97p per
> litre over and above what it was. It can afford to cut tax by 3p a
> litre, no more.
> Really, I don't think cutting fuel from 105p per litre to 102p is
> going to make much difference for most folk. Basically though, with
> dwindling reserves, and other countries' rate of use rising to match
> ours, the high cost of fuel is here to stay. 15years from now we'll
> all be plugging electric cars into mini-wind-turbines for charging,
> and hoping for a bit of wind overnight. :-)
There's nothing _actually_ dwindling just at the moment. The whole price
hikes are due to speculators. Yes, oil is gonna dry up and measures should
be taken now (utilising the extra tax-income and some more -but they ain't
gonna use it for that). But that has nothing really to do with current
Prices will come down again in the short term when hoarders get tired and
decide to cash-in.
Things are gonna get _real_ interesting when oil starts drying up for real
Reply to: news@SPAMBEGONEgunthergloop.com
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