Posted by Owen on 09/27/05 09:25
OK, I just finished watching it last night, and I've got some questions.
Most of which won't be answered until next series, or even the 3rd series.
But I would be interested to get some of your opinions/theories.
1. What is the 'Thing'? What does it look like? We are told in the last
episodes that it's a "security system", which leads me to beleive its
something mechanical or robotic (which I suspected from the noise all
along). But there is something else about it which bothers me. Something
'organic'. What about that wierd black smoke that appeared just after they
blasted it, when it was dragging Locke underground? Why is Locke keeping
schtum about the Thing's appearance (he's the only one who'se actually
"seen" it)?
2. The Polar Bears and Walter: Is there a connection between the actual
bears, and the comic book with a polar bear depicted on it, which we saw a
couple of times? I was wondering if perhaps the polar bears 'manifested'
themselves as a result of Walt's dark powers, which were hinted at in his
flashback episode. His adoptive father said to Mike, "Walter's not normal,
he's... different somehow... bad things just... happen when he's around..".
I think somehow Walt has the power to make things appear after looking at
pictures of them (like the birds in the book, and the polar bears in the
comic). This 'almost' fits, but Rooseaux implied the bears had been there
before Walt arrived. Still, it got me thinking. Perhaps every character
has a 'super power' (Walt makes things appear, Hurley has bad luck, Jack has
miracle healing powers).
3. Jack's father - was he real, hallucination, or what? Very contradicting
signs here. He was missing from his coffin and apparently walking around -
which suggests he really did come back to life. But then he was never
mentioned again.
4. The numbers - still totally baffled about these. Especially since it
was hinted that all characters (not just Hurley) have a connection to them.
(At least Kate does with "23"). And the numbers on the hatch... I just
don't know.
5. The hatch - I think it's an ultra-secret military project, probably
abandoned years ago when it went wrong. The "security system" thing is
powered and controlled remotely from within the underground complex, which I
beleive the hatch leads to. One thing which bothers me is when Locke was
staring into the hatch and it lit up... where'd the light come from?
Hmmm. What do you think?
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