Posted by STIYPASI on 10/23/05 17:31
Subject: [ng_abuse] Re: What is abuse?
From: "Martin Imber" <>
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2003 11:18:59 -0000
Abuse is usually the following
Being insulted, being defamed, being sworn at.
This is personal abuse.
Excessive cross posting, junk messages and thread hijacking.
This is ng abuse.
If you look back in various ngs you will see that there has been a
lot of personal abuse at various members of this group.
--- In, "eternallymeuk" <mike@e...> wrote:
> Simple question: What is abuse?
> 27 messages have been posted so far but no-one has addressed this
> obvious question. What is abuse? How is it defined? Do you
> agree with the generally accepted definition of abuse as described
> in the Net Abuse FAQ:
> or do you propose a different definition entirely? Do you include
> excessive cross-posting and excessive multi-posting within your
> abuse definition? Do you think it's acceptable to fight abuse with
> abuse? What about forgery of article headers? What about content?
> Do you regard the use of language with which you're uncomfortable
> as abuse?
> Do the members of this group all have the same understanding about
> what constitutes abuse? Wouldn't it be a good idea to find out?
> Mike.
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