Posted by Tony Evans on 11/26/05 09:28
In uk.media.dvd, Mark A <m.annetts-nospam@rbgkew.org.uk> wrote:
>Well, Mr & Mrs Smith has finally showed up on DVD, and what a major
>let down it is. An action comedy that reserves all its action for the
>final twenty minutes and saves all its comedy for a rainy day. And
>where was the chemistry that supposedly broke a marriage? There was
>precious little to be seen of it on screen. And where was the plot?
>They seemed to have abandoned that way back in some early producer's
>meeting. Who were they fighting? Who were they fighting for? And did
>Brad really have to kick Angelina behind the sofa quite so violently
>and so often? If it was supposed to be funny I didn't laugh.
>In short, a silly mess, well worth avoiding.
In counterpoint -
An excellent and very funny movie, which starts off slowly to give you a
feeling of how dull their lives appear to be. The interplay between Jolie
and Pitt is excellent and amusing. I never bought into the glossy-mag hype
about their chemistry or the broken marriage, so I didn't miss it in the
film, but they certainly work well together and the first fight scene
between them is both slick and brutal - they certainly don't treat either
of them with kid gloves. Witty, well paced, amusing and entertaining -
it's about as deep as paddling pool, but I didn't see it expecting to
stretch my mind, and it delivers the goods where it needs to.
An excellent action comedy with doesn't take itself too seriously.
Tony Evans (ICQ : 170850)
Recommended Author : Stan Nicholls [http://www.stannicholls.com]
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