Reply to Re: More stupidity Microsoft and the Play ONCE DVD

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Posted by Black Locust on 02/24/26 11:28

In article <>,
Allan <> wrote:

> No idea what you are talking about......
> 90%?
> Who knows.
> "Netflix lowers earnings view on lawsuit"
> "SEP. 29 9:50 A.M. ET Online movie rental company Netflix Inc.
> lowered its third-quarter profit outlook on Thursday,"

Netflix was pretty muched fucked from the beginning, due to the
subscription model being FAR too eay for the average renter to take
advantage of. They're doing alright at the moment, but it's not going to
last. This is from a September issue of Video Business:

"Two months ago, I wrote to you asking how this subscription business
model will ever generate a profit. It wasn't meant to be a rhetorical
question. Perhaps you might look at how subscription has affected
Blockbuster as John Antioco chases after Netflix. He has taken hundreds
of thousands of his $60 per month customers and turned them into $15 per
month liabilities. Again, for $18 per month, you can't rent 12 to 18
DVDs while paying shipping both ways, covering costs of doing business
(warehouses, insurances, shipping workers, clerical workers, customer
acquisition) with DVDs that have a shelf life of five to six weeks. This
DVD can only be turned six to eight times. The numbers--if you look at
them hard and massage them this way and that--can never add up to a
profit. Look hard; you'll see."

Andrew Stearn - Owner, Action Video, Centerville, Mass.
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.
They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people,
and neither do we." - George Dumbya Bush

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