Posted by Wasted on 02/24/55 11:34
For the benefit of the tape RCE Defiant muttered....
> "Wasted" <> wrote in message
>> For the benefit of the tape RCE Defiant muttered....
> What's this soft mod then?
Guv said it all really.
Hard part was getting the game save to memory card, I also used Splinter
Cell PAL version... find it on the net, save it to your card, copy it to
XBOX hard drive. Play Splinter Cell and load the saved game from hard drive.
It crashes the xbox and gives you an option load load a new OS (linux) ...
you do that and restart XBOX (at this point I thought I fucked up my XBOX as
it came up with errors all over the place) reboot XBOX and you get a new
dash... then I had FTP access to XBOX from my PC... username xbox.. pass
xbox ... I transfered XBMC to the XBOX hard drive and that was it. Its not
easy but very worth the effort.
Reply - matd (at) dsl (dot) pipex (dot) com
>> All spelling mistakes are intentional and are there for the readers
enjoyment <<
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