Posted by Graham on 03/07/04 11:37
"dvdphile" <> wrote:
> Can anyone believe this ebay auction::
> I've reported it and also tried to contact the highest bidder! £80 though
> for some d/loaded content on some dvd-rs is unbelievable!
I'll get flamed to high heaven for this, but I don't give a shit.
The only thing wrong with that auction is that it should be slightly clearer
that it is not an official set.
Having said that, most (thats MOST, not all) people will know this if they
have an interest in getting these on DVD, since they've been unavailable for
ages apart from the first season.
The other seasons are unlikely to be released on DVD due to the high cost of
obtaining clearance for all the various pieces of music in the episodes.
I don't see the problem with this kind of auction. People know what to
expect (as the OP did or he wouldn't have posted here).
The only people who would bid on this are people who want to have the series
on DVD.
They would probably pay for it new if the suits could get their backsides
into gear and release a genuine version.
But they don't.
I don't advocate the piracy of films already out on DVD or films (or TV
series) so new they've not yet been released on DVD, but stuff like this
thats probably never going to be released I personally don't have a problem
with and I don't see why others do.
Let the flames commence!
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