Posted by Bill Farnsworth on 09/27/05 06:49
> "PTravel" <> wrote in message
>> Globetrekker actually does shoot with an 8mm camera (it looks like an old
>> consumer Super8). As to why, your guess is as good as mine. I think
>> it's
> a
>> creative affectation that gets in the way of the show.
"Specs" wrote
> The trouble is that if things aren't spelt out for some even the most
> obvious visual grammar can pass unhindered over their heads.
> It is blatantly obvious why the programme makers of Globetrekker use the
> super8 footage.
Having been on the pointy end of this business for damn near thirty years I
can tell you that that only thing blatantly obvious is the S-8mm sequences
are nothing more than just one form of the countless artistic "hooks"
designed to separate one show, or series from rest.
It works. But it's nothing more than a tool. Fortunately, with this show,
there are a few good craftsmen that know how to use all three format "tools"
that this particular show is shot on.
Go.............. here
Bill F.
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