Posted by Bob on 12/04/05 20:06
On Sun, 4 Dec 2005 14:22:36 -0500, "Smarty" <> wrote:
>The prior version of TMPGE DVD Author V1.6 is apparently still being sold,
>and has essentially the same capabilities as the newer version with the
>further advantage of not requiring Internet activation when the program is
That alone is the kiss of death as far as I am concerned. They can
keep their bullshit program if it's going to do crap like that.
What if the Internet is down when I want to use it? I have had the
Internet go down for days at a time - although not in recent times.
But it can and does go down for several hours at a time. I'll be
frelled if I am going to sit around and wait to run an application I
bought just because the developers are anal.
"One must realize that the world is a network of real and virtual
combat zones where the stakes are high, struggle is the primary
mode of being and only total victory is acceptable.
-- Sun Tzu, "The Art Of War"
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