Posted by john on 01/08/06 15:51
In message <n8ednYV-ZrLPAiPeRVn-qQ@golden.net>, Bill
<trash@christian-horizons.org> writes
>I can live with the general tone and balance of the wikipedia entry.
>Everyone should read it and think.
>Richard Crowley wrote:
>> "Bill" wrote ...
>>> If there is evidence to the contrary, I'd like to know about it.
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amnesty_International#Leading_critics
Contrary to much sycophantic description, the essentially 'God bless
America, right or wrong' Wikipedia has some way to go before it can be
considered remotely definitive or balanced. It's easy to find fault with
highly active and globally multi functioning outfits like Amnesty. Of
course those working in that organisation are biased, as is absolutely
everyone else on the planet. Overall though, Amnesties contribution
towards preventing miscarriages of justices, torture and judicial
homicide across the globe for very many years is sufficient to regard
them as essentially good. The reason for American pique with Amnesty is
Amnesties purely incidental work that reveals that amongst so called
civilised societies America is outstanding for its troglodyte social and
justice policies, with frightening levels of judicial barbarity,
mistreatment of prisoners and a hysterical attachment to the death
penalty, even where reasonable doubt about the condemned persons guilt,
mitigating circumstances and other such cautions are overwhelmingly
It's not just America that stands accused, certainly almost all other
advanced western nations have disgraceful abuses of justice to account
for, but the USA is unique amongst them for demonstrably executing
innocent convictees. (There can be no successful appeals based on
previously unconsidered evidence for the permanently dead). Also amongst
'civilised' nations, the USA has the highest percentage of it's
population incarcerated in a largely brutal and unhelpful prison system.
Regardless of much official denial and pretence to the contrary, the US
justice system, from the policeman on the street, though the courts and
prisons and particularly within its military related institutions, is
clearly revealed to be shockingly akin to those of the much hated
tyrannical and murderous regimes in the Middle East and elsewhere
compared to whom America seeks to justify the righteousness of it's
global strategic policies.
Whether or not Amnesty International is as pure as the driven snow, I
for one am grateful for their existence.
John Lubran
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