Posted by Ty Ford on 01/08/18 11:38
On Fri, 27 Jan 2006 10:35:05 -0500, mmaker@my-deja.com wrote
(in article <1138376104.962440.118390@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>):
> Ty Ford wrote:
>> There's a big difference between HDV and HD video. Try a swish pan or shoot
>> a
>> basketball game and find out for yourself.
> So you're saying that HDV is worse than broadcast HD, which uses about
> a 25% _LOWER_ bit-rate MPEG-2 compression? Because I've seen plenty of
> god-awful pixellated, artifacted 'swish pans' in broadcast HD.
> If the footage you shoot looks like crap on HDV -- and I've gone out of
> my way to try to force artifacting on HDV footage and never managed to
> create anything problematic in normal use -- then it's going to look
> like crap when broadcast even if you shot on IMAX.
> But, hey, if you want to carry on shooting on film or $100k HDCAMs so
> you can shoot swish pans which will look like crap when broadcast, go
> ahead. The rest of the world will shoot HDV, avoid swish pans, undercut
> your prices and not have the audience thinking their show is trash
> because your wonderful 'HDV is not HD' swish pans are pixellated to
> heck on their HDTV.
> Mark
Thanks or playing.
Ty Ford
PS: Are you talking about HD broadcasts on the air or over cable?
-- Ty Ford's equipment reviews, audio samples, rates and other audiocentric
stuff are at www.tyford.com
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