Reply to Re: Half-Anamorphic?!

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Posted by Evelyn C. Leeper on 11/15/05 14:24

[This followup was also posted to and a copy sent
to the cited author.]

Andrew Rossmann wrote:

> [This followup was posted to and a copy was sent to
> the cited author.]
> In article <ud0ef.20816$rc7.8349@fe12.lga>,
> says...
>>Whatever possessed Warner Brothers to make the movie THE
>>IRON GIANT anamorphic, but the "hyperscenes" (if you
>>will) in the "Behind the Iron" feature non-anamorphic?!
>>Even if I wanted to, I can't reset the output of my DVD
>>player on the fly. (I could, I suppose, watch the whole
>>movie non-anamorphically, or reset my TV each time it
>>I'm used to have the movie anamorphic and some of the
>>features not. I'm even used to seeing the menu
>>anamorphic when the movie is a standard 1.33:1 ratio.
>>But interleaving anamorphic and non-anamorphic images
>>seems just plain crazy.
> Doesn't your TV auto-switch? If not, then there is little you can do,
> other than force the player to letterbox mode and leave the TV as-is.
> Otherwise, the video should or should-not send the anamorphic flag,
> which will toggle many TV's into the correct mode automatically.

Our TV does not auto-switch. It is not a widescreen TV, but it is a
Sony with an "enhancement" setting so that we can take advantage of
anamorphic DVDs. (I had wondered about how widescreen TVs handled
1.33:1 aspect ratios--I hadn't realized they auto-switched. Thanks for
letting me know.)

Oh, well. THE IRON GIANT is the only DVD so far that seemed to
interleave anamorphic and non-anamorphic.

Evelyn C. Leeper
A passionate commitment to social justice is no substitute for
knowing what the hell you're talking about. --Thomas Sowell

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