Posted by Bob on 09/17/05 07:51
On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 14:08:08 -0400, howldog
<edwardapplejacksmith@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>I tried all that and the result of the edited video is the same as if
>>I did not use Quickstream.
>the audio is still out of sync? or was that fixed? If not, did you use
>the "audio out of sync" fixer thing, and how did that work? that
>interested me.
I did two things with VideoReDo: 1) I imported and exported to the
main utility; 2) I ran Quickstream.
Neither succeeded in getting MF4 to work, even with the switch set
that is supposed to fix MF4 problems.
I am afraid VideoReDo is another garage shop. It claims a lot but does
not deliver.
I am now convinced after all these experiments that MF4 is corrupting
the mpgs internally. You can feed it anything you want, even
high-synchronized mpgs, and it manages to butcher them on its own.
If you do the Two Pass it helps a lot but still doesn't fix
Isn't there some application that works? I wanted to try Adobe Encore
but it only installs on XP and I am running Win2K.
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