Posted by Abe on 11/29/05 22:43
>Pioneer has advertised their 108,109,and 110 drives as 16x.
>According to their tech line the 110 has been certified to
>burn at 16x with Verbatim disks. My friends and I have
>now tried both Verbatim and Memorex 16x DVD-R blanks in
>each of these with the following results:
>108 burns at 4x
>109 burns at 6.1x
>110 burns at 5.6x
>All of the drives have been updated to the latest firmware
>and all of them have no trouble burning 8x disks at 8x.
>Has anyone been able to burn at 16x with any blank media?
I have burned at 16X regularly with my 108. But you have to be aware
that that 16X speed only occurs in the last few moments of burning.
The speed ramps up from 4X to 16X over the course of the burn. It has
to do with rotational speed and location of the laser over the disc.
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