Reply to Re: Networked DVD Players

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Posted by Jack ( on 01/12/06 14:13

> >If this remote supports IR (which I can only imagine it does) then yes,
> >yes you can.
> The URC 8910 from UEIC supports "IR Learning", wherein you place two
> remotes face to face and squirt the code from the original into the
> 8910.

Then that should answer your question.

> >You'll need to 'unlock' the XBOX to make it play steaming video files,
> I am not sure I understand that use of the term "streaming". Please
> elaborate.

If you don't understand the very basics of networked media, why are you
even interested in a networked media player? I'm not trying to be a
jerk, just you have a lot of research to do. Hit up 'wikipedia' or do a
google search, find an FAQ or something then come back.

> I have video files - MPGs/AVIs. I can play them on my computer with
> WinDVD, et al, and play them on my DVDR if I make a data disc.
> I want to be able to sit at my TV with a remote control and tell the
> Xbox to play those same video files that are on my computer hard drive
> on my TV - no DVDs involved. I will network the Xbox with a CAT5 cable
> from my router using Ethernet.

As we've said before, it can very easily do that.

> >i'm not sure if that would be too easy for you depending on your skill
> >level with PCs
> Which is considerable.

But not considerable enough to know what 'streaming video' is
apparently, which makes me wonder.

> How do I know which Xbox is the one you are describing and where do I
> find out how to unlock it.

Goodness, it's not rocket science. There is only one original XBOX.
There are no model numbers, there are no sub-groups.. its a big black
box that says 'XBOX'. Thats it. Only one. The only other device close
is the 'XBOX 360' which is a completely different system that just came
out. (It's white and days XBOX 360 on it, you wont find one in stores

> Why do you have to unlock it? Why is it locked to begin with?

Because Microsoft only wants you to play games on it.

Look, if you really have 'considerable' PC knowledge the whole thing is
very easy and takes 5 minutes to enact.

1: Get an XBOX
2: Go to google and type in 'XBOX SOFT MOD TUTORIAL', find one with
3: Get XBOX Media Center (Google XBMC), it will do everything

That's it. But if that's too difficult (and i'm thinking it might be,
once again no offense) i'd suggest looking to one of the more simple to
use alternatives. If you can find an XBOX and unlock it, it will do
everything you've mentioned (Well except record video obviously) and it
will do it better than any of these other DVD players mentioned. It is
however, more of an option for the hobbiest that knows a little about
you know, computers and stuff. (no offense)

= numsix

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