Posted by NunYa Bidness on 10/21/05 22:15
On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 18:33:43 +0100, "Mark W" <s@o> Gave us:
><normanstrong@comcast.net> wrote in message
>> It may be necessary to letterbox a movie in order to see the entire frame,
>> but it isn't a good thing. I've never seen a letterboxed picture in a
>> movie theater. I'd certainly ask for my money back if a movie were to be
>> presented that way. Apparently theater owners agree with me, since they
>> always fill the screen, regardless of what difference there might be
>> between the aspect ratio of the screen and that of the film.
>> When I watch a 2.35:1 letterboxed picture on my 4:3 television I'm acutely
>> aware of the arbitrary cut in the vertical direction. When you see a head
>> cut off that clearly could have been shown in its entirety you have a
>> slightly unpleasant reaction. At least I do.
>> Norm Strong
>Well, I still have one of those science fiction *round* shaped TV sets, like
>Flash Gordon used to watch, and so I am also aware of the dirty tricks you
>refer to.
You're a friggin' idiot. There were no dirty tricks other than the
one your mom pulled in order for them to let her take you home from
the hospital.
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