Reply to Re: Recommendations for Stand alone Recorder/Player

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Posted by David Chien on 02/06/06 23:05

also, consider all-in-one player recorders so you can copy to VHS & DVD.
Units with HDs in them add the nice features of allowing you to edit
your camcorder videos slightly before burning to DVD, and let you keep
hours of videos on the deck itself for playback w/o a disc.

Pioneer & Panasonic tend to have the highest video quality for their
latest recorders - they've optimized the recording capabilities quite
nicely and you'll get excellent results with these decks. (eg. the
latest Panasonic have optimzied LP recording to allow for 500 lines of
resolution vs. 250 on earlier decks; Pioneer has Dual-Layer DVDs that
store 4 hours of SP video vs. 2 on a single layer disc)

Cheap decks like some LiteOns, etc. at Walmart may be cheap, but as you
can see in the forums at (see thread comparing Pioneer
220s to LiteOn with lots of video image frame samples), the video
quality of the recorded discs are lower than that from the top-end decks.

Why record to DVD if you're only going to get crappy video quality?


Pioneer and Panasonic tuners are also stable for the most part; some
cheaper decks have poor video/noise reduction circuits, and that means
they'll record with more noise than these decks (which have adjustable
noise reduction as well).

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