Posted by Hellahulla on 02/12/06 14:48
I don't know about this song, the link you provided says it was written
by Gary Bonds (Anderson) I have no cause to doubt that.
This is quoted directly from the site:
School Is Out
"Gary "U.S." Bonds
(written by Anderson, Barge, Guida and Royster--
Anderson was Bonds' real name)
(see more notes below)"
As for the other artists you listed, I know Alice Cooper wrote "Schools
out" which is a totally different song. If he sang the song you posted
the lyrics to then I am not aware of it :)
Cat Stevens also performs a different version of the song, as do most
of who you list.
Ry Cooder performs (I think) the song you mention.
I don't think anyone but Gary Bonds and the other writers mentioned on
the site did actually write this song.
That's all I can offer.
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