Posted by Hammerer on 02/12/06 16:04
"Amun" <spamblocker@bell.net> sang in message
> Why am I suddenly firing up Winmx to search
> for "TOM LEHRER - the elements"
> <g>
Why? Because there's no way in HELL that you wrote out all that stuff from
memory, that's why!
> There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium,
-- Snip --
> Isn't that interesting?
> I knew you would.
You knew I would what? It all sounds like a scientific version of 'Joseph
and his Amazingly Technicoloured Raincoat', or whatever it was called.
> I hope you're all taking notes, because there's going to
> be a short quiz next period...
.... ic Table? (Bet I'm the only one on this whole newsgroup who got that.)
> These are the only ones of which the news has come to Hahvard,
> And there may be many others but they haven't been discahvered.
This Bob Lehman guy missed out wood, by the way. Yes - wood. It's an
element. Not a lot of people know that.
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