Reply to Re: Help - Budget/Equipment for Documentary

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Posted by Stone on 02/12/06 17:33

In article <dsg4dv$hhq$>, (Scott Norwood) wrote:

> In article <43eb787d$0$7259$>,
> Stone <> wrote:
> >
> >Hello,
> >I need help coming up with a Budget/Equipment Needed List for a
> >Documentary.
> ...
> [snip]
> ...
> >The cap is $50,000, and the computers will be Apples.
> What is the subject matter? What will be the length of the program?
> Is the $50k budget for equipment only, or is that the budget for
> the entire production? You could very easily spend $50k on travel
> expenses alone.

Mostly equipment, but can be used for other things. There is no travel
involved, except renting 1 truck and gas. It takes place in a small town
and is about the people of the town as it suffers an economic crisis.

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