Posted by gregfarr on 02/14/06 20:23
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 13:20:53 GMT, "Morton Davis" <antikerry@go.com>
>"gregfarr" <gregfarr@comcast.net> wrote in message
>> texperts.
>> I did a find new sources on Casanova, and it went crazy with users, it
>> was over 300 and spinning like a damn slot machine, no shit. What
>> could cause that, as in search, I never see more than 8?
>The MPAA is flooding the network with false files for Casanova. It's a box
>office flop so it doesn't make sense, but that's what happened.
But damn, it was actually scary, the thing was spinning like a top.
Thanks. Flop, didn't know, but box office isn't always correct.
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