Posted by wunnuy on 02/16/06 20:58
Jeff Rife wrote:
>> They don't admit that they specifically reduce a person's movie rental
> ability, only that favoritism in choosing what movies ship is shown to
> those who rent less movies per month. In other words, the only reason
> you may not get all the movies you want is because somebody else is in
> line before you because you have already gotten a lot this month.
> The "throttling" claims also always include claims that Netflix
> intentionally delays movie check-in, doesn't ship out movies
> immediately, and has actual limits on how much somebody can get in
> a month. Although all of these claims may be true, none of them were
> admitted by Netflix.
I read on hacking netflix the admission that they held movies back a
day or two from heavy users because of profits and to let lesser users
have a chance. I guess I'll have to spend time finding a link now
(sigh). The whole "lesser users get newer movies first" doesn't mean
anything to me because I used to have so many movies, I didn't care if
I got the new one first, since there were plenty of movies in my queue,
they'd hold back everything, not just new ones. a lot of the new ones I
see for free from work or friends, or saw in the theater so it's not a
big deal to me (and it shouldn't be to Netflix, if the person had a lot
of old movies, then they should send that instead of nothing at all for
a few days).
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