Posted by Derek Janssen on 02/16/06 22:19
wunnuy wrote:
>>>Actually netflix customer support admitted to me that they do throttle
>>No, they just admit that they give priority to certain people that aren't
>>you, and you don't like that. Want some cheese with that whine?
> Is it possible for you guys sticking up for Netflix to ever make a
> point without accusing someone of whining?
....Umm, no.
We've tried to, with a valiant effort at the diplomatic doubt, but
voluntary evidence has demonstrated otherwise.
> IMO you're whining just as
> much in favor of Netflix as anyone is about their throttling policies.
> You lose all validity in your argument when you continually complain
> that someone not satisfied with Netflix's sleazy practices are
> "whining." I see just as much "whining" from the Netflix apologists as
> anyone. I don't know, it seems your posts are the best written of any
> of the Netflix supporters either, why do you have to throw in the
> "whining" lines all the time?
Well, see, thing is...
The defenders point out:
A) Netflix has openly stated their policy,
B) Netflix has openly stated reasons for their policy, regarding their
company operation and operating expenditures,
C) The defenders *DON'T* try to commando six movies a week, are quite
happy with the organic flow of mail in and out at the companies' pace,
and therefore have no personal axe to grind against the "evil" company
that won't give them what they want.
On the attacking side, we have:
A) Users objecting to "misleading" ads because they couldn't get as many
rentals as they wanted,
B) Users complaining that their rentals arrive a day late instead of
overnight like they wanted,
C) Users complaining they wanted to quit their service after two weeks
of rentals not arriving overnight like it said in the ads, or a movie
that wasn't immediately available on the day they wanted it,
D) Users accusing contented Netflix customers of being Nazi war-criminal
Enron executives who are doubtlessly in pay of the Bush administration.
....Roget's Thesaurus lists some dozen or so synonyms for "whine" in the
category of "Express self-centered complaints in a frequent,
disagreeable, unhelpful or unreasonable manner that is offensive or
annoying to others."
You are free to choose the less objectionable term.
Derek Janssen (IOW, "If it quacks like a duck, and quacks LOUDLY...")
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