Reply to Re: Netflix Throttling

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Posted by Gene Douglas on 03/07/32 11:40

Of course, NF would like that. In that way they can pick us off one by one.
One person realizes he's been deceived, and he quits. The next person
doesn't know that, and he keeps paying.

The issue isn't just that I'm not getting enough for my money. The main
issue is false advertising. I could sell a car that falls apart, and if
people would just look the other way, those who are still suckers would
continue to be my customers.

Last November they pulled another stunt. They created a phony lawsuit, in
which the "settlement" was to temporarily increase the level of some
customers. In other words, a promotional offer they'd have happily done

You notice they didn't raise the level of customers getting 5 at a time.
The plan was to offer something you would like and stay with. Even if you
don't, after 30 days they could stick you with one month at the higher rate
anyway, if you don't think to change back before they bill your credit card.

"Black Locust" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> none <> wrote:
>> It's very simple. If you don't like the service cancel it. I'm not going
>> to get emotional about it. If they can continue at 3 a week I'll probably
>> stay with them for a while. If it gets slower, I'll quit.
> So you don't think something should be done about the false advertising
> and blatant deception practices? I don't know about you, but I've been
> seeing more commercials for Netflix than ever before and all they all
> gloat about the whole "unlimited rentals" nonsense. Reality is, Reed
> Hastings is nothing more than an egomaniacal cock sucker who will flat
> out lie and make false promises in order to grow his subscriber base in
> a desperate attempt to start a chain reaction of shutting down video
> stores around the country so he can gain a monopoly on the entire video
> rental market. Yes, he has been quoted as saying he will do just about
> anything to shut down video stores.
> I sincerely hope all his bullshit eventually backfires on him and
> Blockbuster ends up kicking his butt in the online rental war.
> --
> "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.
> They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our
> people,
> and neither do we." - George Dumbya Bush

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