Posted by Gunther Gloop on 03/07/75 11:40
POD {ҿ} wrote:
> "Dragon" <> once tried to test me. I
> ate their liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti
>> Any advice on which one please guys special edition or directors cut,
>> i know Dc should be but rewind say Theatrical version for original
>> sound
>> cheers dave
> 3 disc directors cut, hands down
Hands down? Why?
I have the 2-disc R1 ("Special Edition" it says). I loved the movie. I
watched a lot of the extras (good, but nothing overly-great). The deleted
scenes on that release all seemed over-long and pointless. I would worry
that if they were reinserted into the movie it would cause it to begin to
drag. It's slow enough as it is (and I enjoyed that), but a little more
could tip it over into 'boringness'.
I haven't seen the Director's Cut and I don't know if the (deleted) scenes
mentioned above are the ones that cause it to be different to the
'theatrical release'.
So that's why I'm asking... Why the Director's Cut? And why 3-discs?
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