Posted by FunkyDevil on 11/16/19 11:40
I've been seeing a new trend across many news sites that allow a
comments section ,
it seems there are a few RIAA apologists out there ,
they will talk about how they support the RIAA and anyone who doesn't
is a criminal.
Or they might say something like , "it's so much easier to just go to
the store or use itunes , why would anyone want to download and risk
getting sued , and those bands deserve our money" ,
( they don't deserve your money if they are using criminals like the
RIAA because the RIAA gets the money )
then after saying that they might try to regain favor by adding
"but I still hate the RIAA and hope they go down"
I'm just "paraphrasing" what I've seen across many news sites with
comment sections.
Believe it or not paid posting propaganda does exist , these idiots are
paid to create multiple identities and then promote an idea or a
Here are some links that talk about this practice.
“Thirteen different chats and four message boards, multiple postings.
And I would just, you know, completely tell everything about this
movie. And just get people to go see it,” says Schlager.
I interviewed for a guerilla marketing business in San Francisco that
targeted web forums.
I was told that if I accepted the job, I was to have at LEAST 50
identities on as many forums as I could muster (they wanted 100
eventually), with a goal of 5 posts an hour. The posts had to be well
thought out, and the idea was that I was to establish multiple
identities with a history on the forums, so that when the timing was
right a well written but subtly placed marketing post could be finessed
in. And regular visitors would recognize the post as coming from a
long time poster.
Stop Paying for Ring Tones (see story link)
Criminal Record labels love it when fans buy a ring tone of a song they
already own -- the music crime industry claims $4 billion in ring-tone
sales to date. But in fairness, you shouldn't have to pay separately
just to hear your CD tracks or acquired MP3s as ring tones.
Putting a snippet of a CD track or MP3 file on your phone is actually
very straightforward -- not to mention FREE , if you already own the
song , Following is a step-by-step guide.
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