Posted by tabernacle2002 on 01/13/23 11:40
hobnoblin@hotmail.com wrote:
> I just have to tell this to someone. It's been a few weeks now, but I
> just can't get over this. If you're sick of people bitching about
> Netflix, or you're one of those ironic people who like to respond to a
> bitchy post by bitching about that person bitching, please don't read
> any further.
> I rent a lot from Netflix. How much? Well, let's just say that the
> first 15 movies in my queue are recent releases that I won't get until
> I'm dead. ...perhaps longer. I hope my great, great grandchildren
> enjoy "Madagascar".
You know if your that desperate to see Madagascar why not try your
local public library?
I take my Grandkid down to this reading program (they run out of the
childrens section) once a week and I found out to my delight that they
have tons of DVD titles in the library, and the best part is that they
are all for free!
And I am not talking about crappy titles either, as not only have I
already seen Madagascar (weeks ago) as of right this second I am
literally watching "The Island" and I have as well to watch four other
titles I checked out (up to 6 titles for up to 2 weeks at a time at
this particular library)this week such as the movies"Dark Water"
"Finding Nemo" "Lilo & Stitch-2" and a "Herbie" movie (GOD I hate
Herbie,frankly at this point I hope that in the next movie they make
Herbie will simply go to Hell)!
> Anyway, when I first started renting from Netflix, I always tried to
> watch my movies immediately and send them back the very next day.
> Especially the new releases. I did this for three reasons: First of
> all, I wanted to see as many movies as possible and get my money's
> worth (naturally). Second, I didn't want to hog up all the new
> releases by keeping them forever, as many selfish clods do. Third, I
> stupidly assumed that Netflix kept track of people who rapidly returned
> new releases, and gave them preferential treatment in return for
> keeping things moving.
> Anyway, enough generalized bitching. We all know the deceitful little
> tricks they use to slow down our queues. What I'd like to focus on now
> is the truly weird netflix stories. Things that seem conspicuous as
> all hell. Personal Netflix stories that make absolutely no
> sense....unless you're dealing with an unscrupulous corporation that
> doesn't mind cheating its customers to maximize profits.
> Many months ago, I learned that Warner Bros. was preparing to release
> "Superman the Animated Series, Season 2". I immediately went to
> Netflix to put it on my quere, only to find that there wasn't a page
> for it yet. Week after week, I kept checking back, but nothing ever
> appeared except the page for "Season 1". The release date came and
> went. Still nothing.
> Finally, out of frustration, I sent Netflix an e-mail asking if they
> intended to carry the DVD. I wrote my e-mail late at night, when I do
> most of my web surfing.
> ......The next morning, no more than 9 hours after I'd sent my e-mail,
> I was elated to find that there was a page dedicated to "Superman the
> Animated Series, Season 2". A wave of warmth passed through me as I
> had "happy bunny" thoughts about Netflix's quick response to my
> inquiry. HOWEVER, when I put the DVD on my queue, it said VERY LONG
> WAIT!!!
> WTF?!?! How, without any "saved" page dedicated to the DVD, and
> without ANY notification that they now carried the DVD, did so damn
> many people suddenly become aware that Netflix had it? And why, after
> several months, does my queue STILL say that it has a "very long wait"?
> I smell a rat. Did Netflix go shopping for the disk in the middle of
> the night? Did every Superman fan with a Netflix account suddenly
> awake at 3:00am so they could see if Netflix got the disk yet? Does
> Netflix even HAVE the damn thing? --?!?!?!?!
> I long for another "DVD rental by mail" company with Netflix's
> selection. One that doesn't pull the same B.S. as Netflix. One that
> doesn't constantly say "shipping tomorrow". One that doesn't
> periodically get the "rated" version of a film instead of the "unrated"
> version. One that doesn't send you DVDs from the other side of the
> country, and then wastes even MORE of your time making you send it BACK
> there!!
> ....And did anyone else notice that Netflix never sends a courtesty
> E-mail asking if a LATE movie arrived? I only get those e-mails
> whenever they manage to send a DVD earlier than usual. Hmmm. Someone
> more cynical than me might conclude that they have more control over
> shipping than they want to admit.
> I'm done. Anyone else have a story?
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