Posted by rufref on 02/24/06 21:25
Seems like someone lied about WMD, lied about "Mission Accomplished", lied
about his military service, and he is a CON servative. Maybe soon to be
just a CON.
Impeach Bush, Indict Cheney for the 2,000 Brave American men and women who
have died needless deaths. Impeach Bush and Indict Cheney for the 100,000
dead innocent civilians who had NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11.
November '06 will be the turning point, unless....do you think he would
REALLY do something like that?
<kathy_and_or_ken@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Actress Geena Davis shows the usual LIEberal tact at the Emmys.
> Oh yes. She entralled us with her tale of the young 8 year old girl
> who came up and supposedly told her that Geena was her inspiration to
> want to be president one day. But then Geena had to come clean (I
> guess she FINALLY got over that yeast infection) and had to tell the
> truth that it never had happened. And tried to laugh it off. She was
> not alone in the laughing at her attempt at folly, but you have to
> consider the audience there. Most of them lying LIEberals like Geena!
> That's a LIEberal for you. Conveniently lying when it suits their
> goals and asperations.
> And not to take Geena to too much task, but I notice that she starred
> with fellow-uber-LIEberal Susan Sarandon in "Thelma and Louise". I bet
> there were not many "cold nights" in their trailers at after their
> "hard days" on the set.
> I suspect they are both flatcockers, as are many LIBeral femme bitches.
> "Flatcockers" is a word in 'www.urbandictionary.com'. I suggest you
> visit 'www.urbandictionary.com' to be educated and enlightened as to
> what a flatcocker is.
> Mmmmmm.....Ken says he wishes he could have been a fly on the wall
> during the nights at "Thelma and Louise".
> Kathy
> (with Ken in the living room watching "Thelma and Louise" just now)
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