Posted by Derek Janssen on 11/01/05 06:38
Bill Binder wrote:
> Geez. We know what a Special Edition is.
(Well, DO we?...I mean, the accepted definition is, "Anything that
bothered to stick on a commentary and/or featurette, especially if
there's an earlier version that didn't"--Ain't no shame in that.)
> Why must suddenly every title
> have a cute title like the "Tommy Boy: Holy Schniekies Edition" or
> "Ferris Beuller's Day Off: Beuller... Beuller Edition"
> I know what these movies are. I don't need a "Back to the Future: 1.21
> Gigawatts Edition"
(Although, so far, most of the more annoying examples--Airplane, Tommy,
Ferris--all seem to be from Paramount, who wouldn't know a Special
Edition if it bit them in the patoot anyway...
There, now we have someone to blame, until good ol' "Movie-Ticket"
Universal tries picking up the stunt.)
> And there's my rant.
I put it in the same categories as food companies that use a cutesy
made-up "Lite" or "Ultra" on the label instead of legally FDA-regulated
terms like "Lowfat" or "Sugar-free":
Ie., whenever I see a "Cutesy Self-Franchising Pop-Quote Edition", my
FIRST thought is:
"<dingding!>...<alarm!>...<warning siren!>...Okay, spill the catch--So
just *what* exactly the hell kept the Legal Department from calling it a
'Director's Cut', 'Extended Edition', or other similar term with
specific recognizable definition?"
Derek Janssen: Sheesh! Edition
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