Posted by TB on 03/19/06 09:11
I picked up the upcoming dvd of the Peter Jackson remake of King Kong a
couple weeks ahead of the street date and have spent the last couple nights
staying up and watching the middle hour and a half from the point they get
to the island to when Kong is captured. As far as the film itself goes,
there's a lot of stuff that just pushes the envelope of suspension of
belief, like the Brontosaurus stampead and Ann's limbs not falling off
within 5 minutes of being in Kong's clutches from being thrown around like a
rag doll. Heh, she barely has any bruises! Still, I'm an unrepentant
Dinosaur movie lover and most of the "Skull Island" part of the movie just
gets better everytime I sit through it.
I'm a bit bummed there's no DTS audio track but considering it's the whole
3 hour movie on one dual layer disc, it's not a surprise. The DD soundtrack
is solid although it reflects the theatrical mix of the movie and isn't
quite as over-the-top bombastic as say, any of the Jurrasic Park movies
were. The image quality is very good compared to most dvd transfers of newer
movies but seems a bit harsher looking with some rather strong edge
enhancement on some high contrast scenes compared to what it looked like in
the theater. Nothing nearly as nasty looking as the disappointingly mediocre
dvd transfer of "History of Violence" though.
Considering all the elaborate production design that went into the movie
that went far beyond what's in the final cut, I have to believe there's a
lot more dino footage that will hopefully show up on some sort of 4 hour
extended version that ill someday see release.
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