Posted by Kantica22 @ Kletca.com on 03/20/06 07:41
> so now you have proved you can't trace computer IDs .
Bullshit. Not only are you the "stupid" one in all this, but you're
"Delusional" as well. Good to know, "Sybil", this information will help me
in my phone call to the Nice White Men in the Nice White Coats.
And, I notice you didn't answer the question: "What do I look like?", or did
you get so wrapped up in your delusion you totally spaced that?
Oh wait a minute, that's right: You said you PLONKED me, didn't you? Even by
this "ID" I guess that was just more Delusional Bullshit.
Well, the more you keep making Delusional noise the more "ammo" I have in my
telephone call to your local Mental Health Center. Have Fun in FantasyLand;
say "Hi" to the Wicked Witch for me.
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