Posted by mjcp on 03/23/06 03:45
Back when DVD blanks were $20 each I might have thought you'd have a chance,
but with blanks at less than $1 No manufacturer gives a rip (pun intended).
Particularly now that we are all using cheap Under $200 burners who'se to
say it's the blank thats bad? it could be an erratic motor in the drive that
works sometimes and not others, or perhaps the background activity in you
virus scan software is eating too many cpu clock ticks - the disc
manufacturer is not going to believe that you were the only one that found
their One bad package of discs (not that you are, but since no one else
bothered to complain)
I would just make note of the disc type and never buy that brand again, if
the next batch you buy is equally bad, then give some thought to one of the
other dozen possible causes of your bad burns
<> wrote in message
>i accept the fact that nothing is ever perfect.
> If I am burning at a reasonable rate and getting a very large group of
> failures then I might complain to the manufacturer.
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