Posted by Zombie Wolf on 03/29/06 19:06
"FatKat" <robynari@juno.com> wrote in message
> Zombie Wolf wrote:
>> But some of you still dont really get a handle on what's going on. the
>> people on dsl have bought into the "hype" about dsl and how "high speed"
>> it
>> is, and think they can run 40 or 50 slots for uploads and downloads, when
>> all they can really support is about 2 each way.
> That's strange - I have DSL and I'm sure I'd remember if I'd bought
> some hype of late. Ofcourse, if I'd actually purchased the hype, it
> wouldn't take long before I realized that even half as many slots may
> be about 20 slots too many.
>> So there they are, churning along slower than a 56k , and you can't
>> educate them.
>> They simply wont listen.
> Most of them don't listen because they've leaving WinMX for Limewire.
> Not even DC++, which at least looks decent - but Limewire. Strangely,
> since Limewire's stock rose with the NG's Noobs, my UL/DL speeds have
> skyrocked, and I'm seriously considering adding another dozen slots.
>> And a lot of isp's will quote their speeds in kiloBITS, to inflate their
>> numbers and make you think they are fast, when the fact is, you have to
>> divide that by 10 to get the actual speed. People also buy into this
>> schtick, and run 40 or 50 slots.
> If that were so, I'd never be able to DL anything in a reasonable
> amount of time - yet I've actually gotten about 3 DVD-R's worth of
> stuff in the past 2 weeks.
>> Even the 56k guys, who ought to know better, will routinely try to run as
>> much as 10 or 15 slots, when they are lucky if they can do a good job of
>> supporting 1 each way.
> Having been a 56k guy in the past, I can't recall trying to support
> anybody - dial-up inspires a sort of selfishness in that respect; get
> that one DL now because you can always be cut-off.
>> Like I said, you cannot educate them, I have tried for years on irc to
>> tell
>> them, and they just dont listen.....
> It's hard to educate others with uneducated hype.
uneducated hype ? maybe you better look up what i just got done telling you.
most dsl connections wont churn much beyond 40 k a second. now, if you run
40 slots up and 40 slots down, that leaves 1/2 k per second per slot. its
simple math, my friend.
KILOBITS is a figure commonly used to state upload and download speeds. this
is how many BITS per second the connection supports. 8 data bits and one
start bit, and one stop bit, adds up to 10 bits for each BYTE (8 bits) of
data. So you have to divide by 10 to get the ACTUAL speed in BYTES of the
connection. 56 KILOBITS equals about 5.6 KILOBYTES per second. I know
wherefore i am speaking here.... its your problem if you never learned
anything about the subject.
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