Posted by Ken on 04/01/06 03:49
Steven de Mena wrote:
> "Ken" <muffin@labyrinth.net.au> wrote in message
> news:442D0A0D.4060904@labyrinth.net.au...
>>Hi guys. Any thoughts on the following?
>>I'm a movie buff (in Australia, which is Region 4) and get sent DVDs,
>>including commercial ones, from friends around the world.
>>But my new Acer laptop computer tells me that I must nominate just one
>>Region for it to play DVDs from. (As a sop, I guess, it allows me 5
>>initial plays from anywhere, but after that I must settle for whichever
>>Region I finally select.)
>>Can this unfair restriction be circumvented?
> Why is it unfair?
> Steve
No verbal games, please. Do you want me to buy four computers to each
play one of four DVD regions - a I said, I have friends around the world
(four regions) who send me DVDs.
For the record, I have been referred to a free product called DVD43
(version 3.7.0) which works a treat!
Thanks - Ken
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