Posted by <normanstrong on 11/05/05 18:14
"Gary" <Garyspam@spamasmailorder.com> wrote in message
> "Bob" <spam@uce.gov> wrote in message
> news:436cb89c.19016750@news-server.houston.rr.com...
>> On Fri, 4 Nov 2005 18:02:32 -0500, "SBFan2000"
>> <mocaveboyNOSP#M@glenngriffith.com> wrote:
>>>By breaking that copyright law you are Stealing the work from the
>> Nonsense.
>> If you own a lawnmover and I steal it, you no longer have a lawnmower.
>> If you copyright an item and I infringe on that copyright, you still
>> have the item.
>> You need to learn how to use a dictionary.
>> --
>> "The scientist is possessed by a rapturous amazement at the
>> harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such
>> superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking
>> and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.
>> "This feeling is the guiding principle of his life and work,
>> in so far as he succeeds in keeping himself from the shackles
>> of selfish desire. It is beyond question closely akin to that
>> which has possessed the religious geniuses of all ages."
>> --Albert Einstein
> I went to a sales meeting at the request of the organiser. it cost me 29
> petrol. I spent 3 hours filming the event. I spent 6 hours editing it and
> then copied 10 to cdr to supply at 5 (That was implied as the potential)
> . to cover costs.
> The area managers bought 1 each that was 3 gone. they copied it for their
> teams. (30 copies at cost to them). I WAS ROBBED. it cost me more than 15
> to make and I was told 5 was a fair cost. but I wont do it again. this
> was 3 years ago and blanks were 2 in Tesco. SVP about 1
> That is the effect of piracy. this is a true story. ( anybody want a
> training disk 7 only left)
If you were doing this at the request of the organiser, why didn't you
charge him for your time at the very beginning? If this was not possible,
you should have arranged for a package deal at a price for the entire set of
30 discs. By setting the price per disc, you essentially encouraged the
area manager to compare your price with the price of a pirate copy.
Norm Strong
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