Posted by ~P~ on 03/07/63 11:44
IMO, Blu-ray is a much more likely candidate to win. There are tens of
thousands who will buy the first generation Toshiba players and similar
numbers who will buy the Sony, Panasonic, LG, Pioneer, and Samsung Blu-ray
players (that's 5 different companies!)...
Now let's look at the million pound gorilla:
PS3 numbers, completely regardless of format, or a cost expected in the
$600.00 range, will sell (easily) in the MILLIONS. Combine Blu-ray and
HD-DVD stand alone player sales, and multiply by ten. That's your PS3
number - or more.
Traditionally, game systems are not known for movie playback. But,
traditionally only speaks to PS2 and X-Box both of which debuted well after
DVD was in half of the homes in America and stand alone players were under
100 bucks. Those DVD players didn't hold a candle to what the PS3 will
offer which is one critical item:
You know if you have a PS3, that even if Blu-ray is dead, that there will be
games made available for it. That replacement units will be available for
years to come, that prices on the PS3 will drop, and the gaming is likely
going to be similar to the X-Box 360, which is a very respectable machine as
well. I would expect that only about 25% of PS3 buyers may use it for HD
movies. But, that's still far greater than the sum of individual players
sold by both camps combined. It is the force to be reconned with in this
war. It is the one that is most often overlooked. In a recent AVS Forum
Poll (not the best, I know) of those planning to buy Blu-ray for movie
playback, over HALF the respondants specifically planned to get a PS3 as
their ONLY player for Blu-ray material. No stand alone Blu-ray player for
them, the PS3 was it.
There are definitely those already on the HD-DVD and Blu-ray bandwagon who
LOVE the format... somehow, already. I personally will get a PS3, but have
no specific love of either format. I like the better specs for Blu-ray
especially as it applies to thoroughput, but all it comes down to for me is
the overall quality. If both formats are awesome and give me the movies I
want to see, then that's what I'll end up with.
I would NOT bet on a dual-format disc player, I will not bet $500 or more
that ANY format will prove to dominate anytime soon.
I will get a PS3 and use it for HD movies and gaming, without hesitation.
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