Posted by nobody special on 03/07/95 11:44
Without seeing the powerpoint, the fact that it is so large suggests
that it is full of imported image files and perhaps audio files. See,
the .ppt format itself was designed to be very space-economical, in
that it's mostly just a list of instructions like "make a page this
color blue, then put this block of text up in this color and this
size". That kind of thing. Kind of like vector art takes up much less
space than raster, because vector is a list of instructions for drawing
lines, and filling areas with solid colors, where bitmaps need a
distinct piece of information for every pixel of every page. So, when
a .ppt file is really huge, it usually means (to me) that they imported
bitmapped graphics to use as backgrounds, or added cutesy MIDI or WAV
sound files. They might have forced PPT to save the same image over and
over as the background, so you have 20 identical slides using that
image and taking up space, instead of instructing it to make one copy
of "Image.jpeg" and use the same image for each slide's background as a
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