Posted by Richard Crowley on 03/07/57 11:44
blackburst wrote ...
> They're not sure: The mic has been missing since before the current
> promo director started.
So contact Telex and ask about a replacement *matching*
> Would a mic with both mute and power avoid this?
> I undrstand they leave the fader up on the board all during the
> game.
Muting the microphone (typically by shorting the audio signal)
should not cause any transients (at least not the noise burst you
hear from turning the transmitter RF off.) Many wireless trans-
mitters have this kind of "silent" mute function.
> Even over near the open window of the booth?
Is the rack metal? Is there anything in the walls that might be
shielding the RF signal? (Metal siding, wire lath, foil-backed
wallboard, etc.etc.) I'd bet that the receiver will get a better
signal if the antennas were out of the rack. Even if you had
one on either side of the window, etc. (But not close to a
metal window frame.)
> That would mean speaker(s), cabling, and a power amp, what, $1000. or
> more. I thought one of those college AV all-in-ones might do it.
You could just "broadcast" you audio on an unused AM or FM
broadcast channel and have people bring their own radios! :-)
This is actually used in some venues, either a Low-Power (100mW
max) transmitter with the event's own audio, or a commercial radio
station who is programming the event, etc.)
> The outfield wall is about 400 feet, so roundabout might be maybe 700
> feet.
So then much cheaper than any kind of reliable wireless system.
> As I noted in another post, they had an array of 5 Dyna Pix receiving
> antennas hanging from the center "concourse". 4 are now missing.
Nothing you have described so far explains why they need more
than the one receiving antenna you said is still there?
> I just read an article in TV Broadcast about advances in technology,
> allowing an ENG news camera to shoot back to a tall building, HD!
> Too expensive, but maybe there's something else in my range.
Its not clear that what you have already is not adequate.
As you suggested, it may just be used incorrectly.
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