Reply to Re: Experts/Polls: Toshiba's HD-DVD dead in the water. Blu-ray will win.

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Posted by ~P~ on 03/07/51 11:44


My point is, which others seem to have their heads stuck in their asses
about, is that Blu-ray includes Panasonic, LG, Pioneer, Samsung, Apple,
Dell, HP, Warner, Hitachi, Misubishi, Disney, 20th Century Fox...

Not just SONY

Sony, they keep saying, is the root (kit) of all evil and a few poor
judgement calls means that they are the devil.

Microsoft loads buggy, known to fail software. The SELL you for hundreds of
dollards KNOWN flawed software. Sony, installed a lousy piece of security
onto unsuspecting consumers PCs - once again lousy.

What does the Root Kit have to do with a Disney title playing in your
Panasonic Blu-ray player? Is Sony going to come along a screw that up for
you somehow?

Get OVER the one company concept. Blu-ray is huge and has support of the
majority of the industry - PERIOD. Will movies, in the future, potentially
have the ITC enabled? Sure! But, this was known about 3+ years ago and any
idiot could have bought a TV 3+ years ago with DVI/HDCP on it if they wanted
to and cared enough to do some basic research. Also, the second a movie has
ITC enabled on Blu-ray, it is ALSO enabled on HD-DVD. So, you are stuck IF
(and only IF) you don't have a HDMI or DVI/HDCP enabled display. So, if you
are going to speak generalities like that, you should at least be a bit more
general: HD discs may not allow full HD output on component in the future.
MAY - not WILL - but may.

You will NEVER buy a HD disc player if you are waiting for unencrypted HD to
be passed over analog as your golden rule. The studios demanded it or they
would NOT release movies at all. HD-DVD trying to relax this protection
cost them some of the studios right at the beginning. Studios, who own the
content, want it protected. I understand that, even if I (and you) don't
like it. My projector is DVI, but is NOT HDCP compliant. So, if it isn't
HD over component, I don't get HD. I live with that - so what's your

Really, some people need to just get over it. If you aren't buying an HD
disc player at all then responding with half-truths and innuendo about ONE
of the companies in one of the groups making HD disc players is juvenile.
It really is. You are just complaining to complain instead of providing a
single worthwhile fact about Blu-ray. Most of these posts have been about
the same worthless stuff.

"Sony did this last year with a completely different product - so Blu-ray

HUH? That makes no sense. It's drawing conclusions about a different
product from a mistake by another product.

If you don't trust Sony - and you don't want Sony products near your
computer - then great - Go buy a Panasonic Blu-ray player, and run whatever
movies you want on it. It won't be anywhere near your PC.

"Joe Moore" <> wrote in message
"~P~" <> wrote:

>>>But, Sony...
>>>Don't you trust them?
>Compared to Microsoft? Sony is Mother freakin' Teressa when it comes to
>lying about product quality and selling a product full of bugs.

Bugs and quality problems are very different from deliberate
installation of malware.

Sony deliberately and secretly installed rootkits in their CD
customers' computers and still feels justified in doing so.
Until their attitude changes, many folks don't trust their digital
equipment or media and I don't either.

>How about Panasonic? Trust them?
>Or Pioneer?
>Or LG?
>Or Samsung?
>Or Warner Bros?
>Or Apple? (heard they make computers that actually work by the way)
>Or Dell? (is that a conflict?)
>You have a long list (170+ companies) you gotta distrust for your "It's all
>Sony's fault" thing to work - and these companies aren't bit players in the

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here.

My "It's all Sony's fault" thing?
It is all Sony's fault that I won't trust any Sony digital media or
hardware near any computer I own.

It is also Sony's fault that I don't believe them when they say they
won't set the downrez flag on their content. They think their
customers are idiots.

What the other hardware companies say doesn't matter much. It's the
content producers which will decide whether to set the downrez flag
on their content. Does it make sense to you that the movie producers
would fight so hard to get the downrez flag included in the hardware
and then not use it?

Assuming I trusted Warner Brothers and they promised not to set the
downrez flag, would I buy High Def DVD player just for Warner Brothers

No way. I'll wait for a product which will actually produce a high def
picture from all high def media on all high def monitors or tv's.


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