Reply to Help With New TV And External DVD/ VCR Combo

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Posted by on 03/10/26 11:44

Got rid of 20 year old set the other day and got a new Insignia
IS-TV040919 $89 at best buy. Old set had a 2 year old Allegro ABV441
DVD/ VCR combo hooked up with quite a few adapters to make it work
with the 20 year old tv but work it did both VCR and DVD played just
fine.Old system not hooked up to cable. Rabbit ears : ) Hooked up the
Allegro to the new Insignia and tv works fine, DVD part works fine and
I can play retail and previously recorded VHS tapes. No cable hook ups
on this either, rabbit ears.

Insignia has 3 vertical rows in back of tv.

1. In - yellow, white and red
2. Component - green, blue and red
3. Out - yellow, white and red

Allegro DVD/ VCR has 4 vertical rows in back of unit

1. VCR In Line 1 - red, white and yellow
2. DVD/ VCR Out - red white and yellow
3. Component - red, blue and green
4. Audio Out - red, white and blue

I made my first connection with the Allegro row 2, DVD/ VCR Out to the
Insignia row 1, In.

Under this set up everything worked as I mentioned above DVD, TV etc
except that I was unable to record from the TV to VHS tape, just noise.

I left that connection as is and then hooked up Allegro row 1, VCR IN
Line 1 to the Insignia row 3, Out.

Still can not record to VHS tape. I could be wrong but I believe that I
am doing somehting wrong while trying to set up the VHS part of the
equation if in fact those connections I have made are the right ones.
Thank you.

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