Posted by Gary Kelman on 01/13/70 11:45
"TimB" <stokefolk@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Turbohat wrote:
>> Cancelled one account. Set-up a second now, in a different name, using
>> the
>> spouses CC. Taken screen-grabs that I entered the voucher code. Let's see
>> what happens with this now!
> Still waiting for a response from dvd.co.uk, but ScreenSelect have
> replied confirming that I used the right code, and that I'm entitled to
> the voucher. If they try to wriggle out now, I'll just forward my mail
> from SS
I've now written to dvd.co.uk too, basically painting Screen Select to be
incompetent baffoons who are soiling dvd.co.uk's good name and I shall not
stand to see their good name besmerched any longer!
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. SS say I should get my 20 voucher
(despite someone else who got a reply from them had entered the same code as
me (DVD52) being told that was for only a 5 voucher) and now I'm waiting
for dvd.co.uk to reply/come up with the goods.
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