Posted by Larry in AZ on 04/22/06 16:36
Waiving the right to remain silent, "Richard Crowley"
<rcrowley@xpr7t.net> said:
> "Maxheadspace" wrote ...
>> Greetings! I have a camera that only accepts XLR microphone plugs.
>> I have a wireless mic with a 1/8" mono plug. Can anyone point me to
>> a source for an adapter to go from a 1/8" or 1/4" mono plug to a
>> male XLR plug? I've found all kinds of male-to-male, male XLR to
>> male 1/4", female to male XLR, male MLR to RCA jack, etc, but no
>> 1/8" or 1/4" mono plug to male XLR plug. Any help is appreciated.
> http://www.markertek.com/Product.asp?baseItem=HK%2D121M&cat=CABLESCONN
> &subcat=AUDIOADAPT&prodClass=XMAD&mfg=&search=0&off=
I would not use the type of mini-XLR adapter shown at the top. It puts
way too much strain on the mini connector, particularly if it sticks out
of the side of the camera.
Better to get each of the standard connectors and put a short length of
wire between them. A "Pigtail" as it's known. A right-angle mini
connector would probably be best.
Larry Jandro
Video Engineering & Equipment Rentals
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
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